Tell us about the occasion and person you’re celebrating, including special moments, shared memories and why you love them.
Decide how the song should sound based on what you think they’ll like best - including music genre, vocal style, tempo, vibe and more.
You don't need to know how to write music, own an instrument or have a great voice - we do it all for you in 5 days or less.
A sharable, one-of-a-kind custom song made purposefully for someone you love, together with a dedication and a range of sweet add-ons.
See how we’ve used music to help +25,000 people just like you, express their appreciation for the special people in their lives
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Based on 345 Reviews
I must admit, I was hesitant about ordering a personalised song as I wasn’t sure if it would be as special as the adverts made it out to be. But I was completely blown away. The song was perfect—they included every detail I asked for and delivered it with such professionalism. My girlfriend said it was the most unique gift she’s ever received. I’d recommend it without hesitation!
– James Carter
I got a personalised song for my wife’s birthday, and it was absolutely magical. When she heard it for the first time, she started crying and said she’d never received anything so special. The melody was moving, and the lyrics captured our relationship so beautifully it felt like they’d been written straight from my heart. This moment will stay with us forever.
– Peter Smith
I surprised my husband with a song for our 10th wedding anniversary, and he was speechless. The lyrics described our most precious moments and everything we’ve built together. He doesn’t usually show emotions, but I saw a tear or two in his eyes! It was such a special gift.
– Emma Taylor
The song I ordered to celebrate my parents’ 25th wedding anniversary was a total hit. The melody was gorgeous, and they included such personal details that we all got emotional. At the party, my parents were visibly moved, and many guests asked where I had it done. I’ve already recommended it to loads of people!
– Lewis Brown
My girlfriend hasn’t stopped playing the song we created to celebrate our relationship. Thank you for turning something so special into an everlasting memory.
– Ryan Walker
Serenade Story Original Custom Songs start from $54.99 USD. Each song comes with 1 FREE Song-Redo (New Melody & Singer), 3 FREE Lyrics Revisions and 1 FREE Custom PDF Lyrics Sheet.
There are song upgrades and quicker turn-around times for additional fees.
Our standard turnaround time for an Original Custom Song is 5 days. However, we have options at checkout to get your song in as quickly as 24 hours at an additional cost.
Regardless of delivery time, all songs are crafted with care — written, produced, and recorded by our talented artists.
We understand that your custom song is more than just music — it’s a collection of cherished memories, a moment waiting to be created, and most importantly, it’s your song. Our top priority is ensuring you absolutely love it.
Serenade Story Original Custom Songs include up to three (3) revisions to your song’s lyrics at no additional cost. If you want to further collaborate with Serenade’s artists past the three (3) lyric revisions, we offer a suite of services at additional costs that allow you to do that - just contact support.
At Serenade Story, we pride ourselves on the artistry behind every song we create. Each song is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece inspired by your experiences — crafted with soul, heart, and care by talented artists that live and breathe music.
It’s very rare that a song doesn’t immediately please, but if that happens with you, ALL our songs include: 1 FREE Total Song-Redo (Completely New Melody & Singer) and 3 FREE Lyrics Revisions - to make sure the final song embodies your exact vision.
Once completed, your song will be delivered to you digitally to the email you provide at checkout, together with a Custom PDF with the song lyrics’. You can then gift it to the receiver however you prefer.
We can also upload your song directly to all main music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music and Youtube Music for an additional fee, at checkout.